The Top Ten Insider Secrets to Fitness Success

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In today's fast paced world, it seems that new innovations in health and fitness permeate the marketplace. And yet, despite the proliferation of so many fitness products, fitness centers and fitness programs...more people than ever before are getting less fit.
What if you had the insider secrets to getting fit fast? Many of these secrets may seem so simple to you that you may think, "How can they really be a secret?" Well, the truth is, many of these "secrets" were common at one time. And many top fitness experts know these, though not all. Just watch out, when you put these to use, you'll get results that may be unexpected because of the simplicity of it.
Now, let's get on to these secrets so you can start to put them into action.
1. Thoughts and beliefs affect actions and behavior. This is the first, because the way you think will affect your behavior and the actions you take in life. This is true of fitness and exercise as well. What we tend to focus on the most will usually happen. That includes what you don't want. So, always think and focus on what you do want.
2. Being consistent is important. Doing a little each day is more important than doing a huge workout once or twice a week. Consistency also helps keep one's metabolic rate up.
3. A high Intensity shorter workout trumps long aerobic type of exercises in burning fat as well as overall fitness. For example, doing 5-10 minutes of wind sprints, with a short rest period between sprints, will kick booty on 45 minutes of a bicycle machine.
4. A breakfast of oatmeal and eggs will sustain you for longer periods. Additionally, this will also provide good energy for a workout just before lunch. Eating a good breakfast of high quality protein and whole grains as well as some fruit is a key to increasing one's metabolism.
5. Birds of a feather flock together. Basically, this means that who you associate with the most affects your thoughts, which will affect your actions (as mentioned in the first secret). So, hang with those that are fitness-oriented so you stay that way or want to get that way. We are the sum average of the five people we associate with the most.
6. Distress causes fat to accumulate, eustress helps to shed it. Stress can either help or hurt your efforts to burn off fat. Hans Selye, the guy who first coined the word "stress" stated that it is distress (the emotional kind) that leads to unhealthy conditions in the body. It also leads to an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone that is directly related to the build-fat during stress, particularly around the midsection. Working out helps to create eustress. This is one example of good stress.
7. Change out your fitness routines every few weeks. Your body continually adapts and then once that happens, it becomes more efficient. Challenging it with new workouts helps to ramp up your metabolism that leads to burning fat. It always keeps your body guessing as to what you are going to put it through.
8. Don't do machines! Instead, go for the free weights as well as body-weight exercises. Machines are set in place and don't do well in emulating human movement. Plus, it doesn't engage the core. Free weights do as do body-weight exercises.
9. Inside outside workouts. Getting a good workout can be done anywhere. You simply adapt to what your environment holds for you and use it. Our ancestors always trained in the environment they were in. And used the tools that nature provided. You can too. For example, I'll do explosive training by running to the top of a small boulder, jump off exploding up into the air....sprint to a smaller boulder...pick it up and toss it like a shot-put.
10. Make exercise fun for you. Each of us is different in what we consider fun. Find out what works for you and do it. Heck, getting out and playing with your children (if you have any) can be challenging and fun. And for those that are grandparents, play with your grand kids outdoors. Engaging in fun sports is another way to enjoy fitness. There are no limits, except in your mind. Just do it.
Here's a bonus tip just for you. Get a journal (a composition book can be used) and start writing in it. Keep track of your physical activities as well as what you eat. Also, write down your emotional state before and after each activity. That way you'll get an idea of the triggers involved that led you to do what you do. At the end of the day, write down all the positive things you accomplished during the day. This will help you to change your thinking about health and fitness.
I wish you much success as you apply these tips into your daily life. And from there, have you living a healthy and fit life for the rest of your life.
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Bob Choat works as a Peak Performance Coach & Trainer and is focused on people in every industry reach a higher level in their lives.
Call 818-620-2494 for coaching/training


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