Best Winter Fitness Activities

Many people like to stay in shape throughout the year. It may seem like it is easier to exercise in warmer months, but actually there are a number of fitness activities that you can participate in during the winter as well. Here are a few things you may want to consider the next time you are looking for a fun fitness activity.
Cross-Country Skiing
Cross-Country Skiing is a popular choice for a winter activity. This has been noted as one of the very best winter workouts. The reason is that it takes the entire body to maneuver through the snow in skis thus essentially creating a full body work-out. Also, because there are significant challenges to balance yourself as your ski, you are also using your muscles to ensure that you stay upright.
Hiking is another great fitness activity that many people may categorize as only a possibility in the warmer season. This is simply not true. Hiking can be done in colder months, but special precautions should be taken such as dressing appropriately and packing plenty of food and water. Hiking is a great way to burn fat, stretch your limbs, and maintain your stamina during the winter. This is a great calorie burner while enjoying the great outdoors.
Tobogganing is such a fun activity you may have never considered how it is actually a workout to do it. You basically ride on a sled down a slope hill and then repeat until you can't stand any more fun. In this activity you have to work to balance yourself on the sled which does take some muscle usage and when you drag the sled back up the hill you slid down you are burning calories.
Ice Skating
Ice skating is a terrific way to keep in shape during the winter. This workout increases cardiovascular activity and can easily burn between 300-450 calories as you glide over the ice. You can increase you speed and burn more calories or simply glide along peacefully, the choice is yours. Who knew that doing something so fun could be exercise, too!
Snowball fights
Speaking of fun work outs, snow ball fights are definitely another option for exercise. You will automatically get a workout by running, ducking, and throwing that you won't even realize because you will be having such a great time. There are many things your body will be doing as you twist and turn to avoid those snow balls. The best kind of workout is the kind that doesn't seem like one!
There are a number of ways to stay fit during the summer that doesn't require a boring workout routine. You can simply participate in one of the activities listed or even create your own way of having fun. Anything that gets your blood pumping and your heart racing is definitely a workout. Winter doesn't have to be a time that you pack on some extra pounds, instead you can find a fitness activity that suits you and stay in shape all year around.


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