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Fitness Motivation - How an Action Movie Could Save Your Life

Contrary to popular opinion, I do not pop out of bed every morning thrilled about doing my workout, nor do I constantly crave my clean diet that consists of a lot of chicken, sweet potatoes, and veggies. I love what all those things have done for my body, but I have to find creative ways to stay inspired and motivated to Dig Deep every day. I am not a fitness Super Hero!
One unique place I can usually count on to jump-start my fitness motivation is going to the movies. That may be a bit of a surprise since when you walk into a movie theatre you are bombarded with sights and smells of all kinds of tasty treats that will wreck your fitness plan! But that's a different topic.
For me, the inspiration starts during the previews. There is something about a well-edited preview for an action movie that makes me want to jump out of my cushy cinema chair and start doing a round of Shaun T pushup-jacks! The ominous voice over, the surging music, jump cuts of people running, fighting, or saving the world from imminent doom raises my heart rate immediately! It makes me want to become Jason Bourne when I grow up!
I'm always inspired by the actors who have transformed their bodies for a specific action role, which always reminds me what is possible when you are focused 100% on a goal. If they can do it, so can I... and so can you! Sure it's easy to say - but they have world-class personal trainers and meal plans they get to follow. If you choose to, you can have access to those very same things as well.
So by the end of an hour of previews (or maybe it just seems like there is an hour of them), I am pretty excited about getting back to my next workout, and any temptation for the large tub of popcorn is gone! Then the movie starts.
My wife, Kelly, and I decided to venture out to an early morning movie. Even though it has been out for a while, I wanted to see what all the hype was about The Hunger Games. This futuristic movie where kids battle to the death for the good of their respective district. (It sounds gruesome, but actually it is a rather uplifting movie) In the midst of the movie you get to see the chosen kids train for their upcoming battle. Any good training montage is always offers a good jolt of extra motivation.
But what really hit me is when they got into the battle itself. 24 adolescents in a circle waiting for the game to start, knowing ultimately you have to kill or be killed to survive. As the game unfolded and you saw people literally running for their lives, using survival skills, and climbing trees - of course my brain jumped to fitness. I thought, "Wow, good thing these kids are in shape or they would be dead by now!" Thank God we don't live in this society where we have to be in top physical condition to make sure we survive. Then like a lightning bolt in my head it hit me...
What if your current physical condition did determine if you lived or died in a time of crisis?
My mind immediately flashed to 2005, sitting in a hotel room with my in-laws who had evacuated to Dallas from New Orleans. We sat in horror as we watched scene after scene of their beloved city be torn apart by the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina. The images that stick out in my mind the most were people in terrible physical condition that were helpless and trapped. They were not in a position to try to survive themselves, and completely at the mercy of being saved. I'm not suggesting all the fit people in New Orleans survived and those that weren't did not, but I have to believe in the face of a catastrophic event being in decent physical condition does not hurt your chances for survival -- or increase one's chances of being able to save loved ones as well.
If we look at it honestly, just because we are blessed to live in the U.S.A. does not prevent us from facing unexpected dangerous times. Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, San Diego Fires... the list goes on. I am definitely not a doom and gloom kinda guy, but this 1 second flash of a thought while I enjoyed my movie reminded me of yet another reason it is important for us to take care of the bodies God has given us - so in times of tragedy not only do we have a better chance of survival, but can be of service to those who need us most.
Keep that in mind during your next workout; will it affect your motivation level and mindset?
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Jimmy Hays Nelson Beachbody Coach is a self-proclaimed 'former fat guy'. Through his transformation journey he lost 100 pounds, started his own business, was featured in the Shaun T workout series INSANITY, and has been seen multiple times on QVC with his buddy Tony Horton promoting P90X.
He founded NELSONGY FITNESS with his wife Kelly to reach out to give hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally we are here to help you see REAL RESULTS!

7 Best Weight Loss Motivation Tips

Why would anyone even need weight loss motivation tips?
Motivation appears to be the #1 factor determining the success of a weight loss or fitness program. Can you believe that?
In other words, I could give you the EXACT exercises to do and foods to eat and tell you EXACTLY when to do them and when to eat them and at what volume. But if you aren't motivated to complete the program or do what it takes to meet your goal then all of that is worthless.
Here are 7 weight loss motivation tips you MUST do to keep yourself motivated and strong while embarking on a fat loss or fitness program:
1. Prepare yourself mentally.
You must set specific goals with a clear time line.
You must know why you want to achieve that goal and feel passionate about being successful.
You must decide you are willing to do whatever you can to achieve this goal.
2. Have a well thought out action plan.
You must have a workout program and be willing to follow it as written.
You must have a nutrition plan and be willing to follow it as written.
You must take the time to familiarize yourself with the programs before you get started to make sure you understand completely and any questions you may have are answered.
You must be willing to take MASSIVE action and commit to the programs. Go BIG!
3. Take progress pictures.
Probably the most effective of all the weight loss motivation tips.
Using the scale to judge body transformation progress is a no-no, especially if you are following a program which encourages fat loss and muscle growth at the same time, which I hope you are (or will be).
You must use other forms of measurements to track progress. Try skin fold calipers, circumference measurements, or underwater weighing.
And if you didn't want to deal with finding a professional to help you with those you could always do the best measurement there is:
Look in the mirror and take progress pictures. All you need to do to know your body is transforming is to look at it. You know your body. Trust what you see.
You can also take a picture of yourself every few days or once per week to document over time your transformation. Seeing your body change right before your eyes will be the best motivation you will ever need.
4. Surround yourself with support.
You must recruit support from your family, especially those you live with since they will be around you while you are preparing for the journey, eating, and working out.
You must recruit the support of your friends since you will likely be in social situations that will tempt you to stray from your diet.
You must recruit the support of a coach or mentor. Studies show that having a coach or mentor significantly increases your chances of success in whatever you are looking to achieve.
You must recruit the support of a community of people who are working towards the same fitness/fat loss goals as you are. This is a great place to ask questions, share successes, learn best practices, and find solutions to challenges.
5. Start each day by reviewing motivational quotes, reading motivational articles or books, or watching motivational videos.
Collect a group of quotes, articles and/or books that you find particularly inspiring and keep them on your nightstand. Each morning review one of these for 5-10 minutes for a morning boost of motivation.
6. Establish rewards for meeting specific goals.
Is weight loss your goal?
Then when you lose your first 10 pounds you can finally go see that movie you have been dying to get to.
When you lose your first 25 pounds you buy yourself a new bike because you will be out on it all the time showing off your new body.
And when you reach your final goal, perhaps you go buy a few new outfits or take a long weekend to go to your favorite vacations spot.
These are just good examples, your rewards will be specific to your desires - anything that will appropriately motivate you to press on!
7. The motivation is within you.
YOU must find YOUR reason and your OWN motivation to change. If you haven't found your own internal motivation for meeting your fitness goals, do it now or the likelihood of reaching your goals is slim.
If you enjoyed these weight loss motivation tips and you would like to learn more about good ways to lose weight fast, take a look at this blog post about Workouts Without Weights at Home on my Home Workouts Blog. While you're there be sure to sign up for regular email updates to learn more weight loss tips.

Diet and Fitness Motivation Tips

One of the most popular New Year's resolutions goals is to get into shape. This is something that many people aim to achieve yet most people fail. If you have been setting the same fitness or diet goals for the last couple of New Years, perhaps it's time you do something different in order to achieve this goal once and for all. This article will give you some tips how you can motivate yourself to achieve your fitness goals. First, lets look at some of the things that causes people to quit in the first place.
One of the main reasons why people stop pursuing their fitness or diet goals is because they had too high of an expectation. Many people believe that they should see some results after each and every workout. Some even think that if they don't lose 20 pounds in a month, then they are a failure. This mentality is largely due to all of the advertisements and commercials about fast weight loss diets or getting the perfect body in 4 weeks. Many people have fallen into this quick results train of thinking and have forgotten that anything worthwhile will take time and persistence.
So what can you do to motivate yourself? First of all, you need to realize that getting and staying in shape is a life long thing. If you can accept that, you will have a much higher chance of getting the body you have always wanted. Many people have too short of a mentality and think that all they have to do is workout for 3 months and they will have the perfect body for the rest of their life. The people who have achieved their fitness goals and have maintained it are people who have made fitness a lifestyle instead of a temporary task.
Instead of going on a diet where you starve yourself or eat foods you hate, pick a diet that is healthy but something that you can also see yourself using for the long term. Fortunately, the healthier you get, the less you will crave for fatty, unhealthy foods. In terms of exercising, choose an amount of time that you can see yourself dedicating to each week for the next 3 years. Many people will start out working out 5-6 times a week, burn out, and quit. Don't set yourself up for failure. Remember, the key is to choose a diet and exercise regimen that you can tolerate for years to come. Once all of this becomes a habit, you won't even have to try. The motivation will be automatic.
Kelly writes about different topics such as diet motivation and fitness motivation.

10 Simple Tips for Fitness Success

Approximately 30% percent of Americans are overweight or obese and a good percentage of these people try to start a fitness program every month. However many people are inconsistent, or get discouraged and quit within the first three to six months of their exercise program. In fact research shows that 50 percent of people who start an exercise program quit within the first 6 months. The problem is making your exercise a habit as part of your daily life. It is not easy to make something a habit. On average it takes between 30-40 times of doing something to make it an actual habit (everyone is different so it can be more or less). This means the first 2-3 months will be difficult, and you will want to give up but if you just endure and push through it, you will see the results and be glad you stuck with it.
Here a 10 simple tips to help you with your fitness success.
1. Get Moving
Make up your mind to start a new life. Become physically active, by getting off the couch and doing something, anything. Walk, bike, and run as long as you are doing something over doing nothing.
2. Workout
Do physical activity that requires the use of the major muscle groups, back, legs, arms, etc. Join an intramural sports team.
3. Work your muscles
Lifting weights or using resistance bands will increase muscle strength and endurance. This will challenge your muscle and increase muscle power.
4. Stretch
Stretching is important for flexibility. Stretch before and after exercise to avoid injury and muscle soreness. Stretching increases range of motion in joints and muscles.
5. Lose weight
Everyone has an appropriate weight for the gender, and height. Maintain your weight by exercising and eating healthy. If need to lose weight, increase workouts or decrease food intake.
6. Watch What You Eat.
Change your diet. Being physical fit is not just about how much you exercise. It involves what types of food you are putting into your body. Fatty foods or empty calories don't give your body any nutrition. Swap things out of your diet to make you healthier. Switch your soda for water and chips for fruits and vegetables.
7. De-stress
Stress has a huge impact on whether we loss or gain weight. When we are stressed out we tend to eat, and eat bad foods. Then our bodies hold onto the bad foods and turn them into fat. Always, try to reduce the stress in your life. Don't stress out over things that you can't control.
8. Get Plenty of Rest
Eight hours of sleep is the appropriate amount of sleep for your body to rejuvenate and your mind to reboot. Some people need less and some people would sleep all day if they could. However, what's important is to allow your body to rest and relax. Rest is important to allow our bodies to restore itself physically and your mind mentally.
9. The Task at Hand.
Make time in your schedule to exercise. Make sure you actually physically write it into your schedule that way you are committing to the act of exercising. Remember consistency is key to making it a habit in your life. If this is what you want you need to do it. Make the effort to get what you want.
10. Its your Life, make the change
If you want to change its your decision. But don't commit only half way. If you have changed your diet and have started to exercise, then don't mess it up by smoking. Its like taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. If you are working out on a weekly schedule don't eat fats food every night. Remember this is your life; it has to be a lifestyle change.

Weight Loss Tips To Help You Find Success

Weight loss is no easy feat. It takes hard work and determination and the whole process can be quite overwhelming. The concept is actually quite simple and you can do it if you choose to put in the work that it takes. The following article contains some tips you can use to help you find success on your weight loss journey.
First of all, sit down and make goals for your weight loss. Research shows that those who make goals and write them down are more likely to reach them. Think of all that you would like to accomplish. How many pounds do you want to lose? What kinds of foods do you want to eat? What habits would you like to break? Think about all the changes you want to make and write them down. Now break these goals down into smaller, short-term goals. Make sure they are do-able. If you set goals for yourself that are impossible, you will get overwhelmed or frustrated and end giving up altogether.
One thing you need in order to lose weight is a healthy diet that is low in calories. Instead of eating refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, choose complex carbohydrates like fresh fruit and whole grain items. Do not eat fatty meats or those that are fried. Eat grilled or baked, lean meats that are simply lightly seasoned. Vegetables are important, too. Eat plenty of them either fresh or steamed. Also, choose low-fat dairy options instead of the full fat choices. Another good choice is to stay away from processed foods. Most of these are full of items that your body simply does not need.
Exercise is another part of weight loss. Exercise should take place most days of the week and will help you burn calories and get off the excess weight. When it comes to exercise there are two types and you need to take part in both of these exercise types.
The first type of exercise is cardiovascular exercise. This type of exercise raises the heart rate, strengthens your heart and lungs, releases feel good hormones and burns calories. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and keeps it there is considered cardio exercise and you should do this kind of exercise for about half an hour or more most days of the week. There are many options for cardio. You can walk, run, dance, bike or take an exercise class. Make sure you enjoy it your exercise routine, that way you will be more likely to stick with it.
The other type of exercise is strength training. Strength training helps build your muscle mass. Even if you do not want big muscles, you still need to take part in strength training. Every thing you do in life uses muscles and it is important that you are strong enough to get through your day. There are many options for strength training. You can use weights, machines, resistance bands or your own body weight. Try to take part in strength training at least a few days a week.
Losing weight is a simple concept, but it is not an easy process. Use the tips shared in this article to help make your weight loss journey successful.

Healthy Weight Loss

In the short run coming up to the summer months it may be tempting to go on a crash-diet. However, research shows that quick-fix, low-calorie diets do not work in the long-term. Low-calorie diets can cause the metabolism to actually slow down which can cause you to pile on the pounds once you start eating properly again.
It is important to embark on a healthy weight loss diet so that you can lose and maintain your weight in the long-term. We need to have a healthy balanced diet to maintain muscle in order to lose fat. The following are tips for a healthy weight loss diet:
1. Eat a balanced diet: you need protein to build and maintain muscle to lose weight, carbohydrates for energy, fruit and veg for vitamin intake, minerals, fibre and healthy fats.
2. Buy Whole foods rather than processed food: unprocessed foods are healthier, nutritious and cheap that processed foods. They also allow you to have more control over what you put into your meals.
3. Eat plenty of protein: as mentioned proteins help the body to build and maintain muscle, which is needed to lose weight. You should aim to eat 1g protein per pound of body-weight per day to achieve the optimum amount of muscle whilst working out.
4. Use supplements: If you feel you are still not getting enough nutrients with you healthy weight loss diet, then supplements are a great way to ensure you achieve this, try fish oil and multi-vitamins.
5. Keep away from sugar! Sugar is addictive and is the main ingredient in most junk foods. The sugar raises the amount of dopamine (chemical) that drives the need for pleasure; foods, drugs, sex. As you eat more sugar you need more to obtain a level of dopamine satisfaction. Thus, sugar is addictive and can be damaging for your healthy weight loss diet. A tip to help withdrawal symptoms from dopamine is to exercise. Exercise also releases the chemical into the brain, so you will have more impulse control over food.
Losing weight is not easy; it can be long road to recovery for a lot of people who have emotional eating habits. It takes will power and a determination to succeed, but the benefits of being healthier and slimmer far outweigh the weight loss journey. The secret to maintain a healthy weight is to eat a healthy balanced diet. So ditch the yo-yo diet!
So start your healthy weight loss and be fit for summer!

Life Fitness Elliptical Trainers Are A Good Choice For The Serious Exerciser

Elliptical trainers have grown in popularity during the last several years. These fitness machines can work the upper and lower body at the same time, while the low impact nature of the workout is easy on the joints. If you are serious about attaining your fitness goals by elliptical training, the durability and high quality of Life Fitness elliptical trainer may be the right choice for you.
Life Fitness is a division of Brunswick Corporation. The company was founded over three decades ago by Keene P. Dimick, who first came up with the Lifecycles exercise bike. The company has grown into an industry leader in both the commercial and residential fitness markets, and holds over 50 patents on the features of their products. They build elliptical trainers, exercise bikes, home gyms and stair climbers.
Life Fitness is an established and popular name in the fitness equipment industry. It is famous for manufacturing some of the best elliptical trainers in the market, and its machines are high-end and state-of-the art. It is the only company in the industry that facilitates an in-house biomechanics research and development team. This company spends millions of dollars every year conducting extensive research and testing to develop the most ergonomic designs and optimal stride lengths. They have also created the Life Fitness Academy, which consists of fitness professionals and a medical advisory board to help study the science and medicine of exercise and promote specific training programs.
Life Fitness elliptical trainers are durable and constructed for heavy use. These ellipticals offer a smooth feel while pedaling, and an innovative console and pedals and handlebars that are ergonomically accurate.
Life Fitness ellipticals offer the features you would expect from a high end brand, such as heart rate monitors, adjustable stride length, pre-set programs and adjustable resistance. They have a large variety of products to choose from. These elliptical trainers are a high quality fitness machine so they come with a high price tag. The high durability and dependability of these machines make them an ideal candidate for purchasing used. A use elliptical trainer can provide the buyer with years of high quality workouts with little or no maintenance, at a fraction of the price of a new machine.
Life Fitness elliptical trainers are a good option for the serious exerciser who is interested in a high quality fitness machine that will last. This brand is expensive, but purchasing a used elliptical that has been professionally refurbished can allow you to own a refurbished Life Fitness at a substantial discount off the price of a new machine.
Consider purchasing a health club quality used arc trainer or elliptical trainer that has been professionally refurbished from []. Purchasing a refurbished elliptical or arc trainer can save you 50% or more off the price of a new machine, which makes it more affordable for you to own the top brands such as a used Precor elliptical, refurbished Life Fitness, or a Cybex arc trainer.

Diet Tips

1. Go organic: 
Although fruits and vegetables are food items that you want to include in your diet, you should still be more cautious in purchasing them. This is because some farmers may have used lots of chemicals like fertilizers and insecticides in growing them. To avoid having to experience negative side effects from it, always purchase those that were grown organically.
2. Avoid simple carbohydrates: Foods that have simple carbohydrates are high in glycemic content. Thus, it is best to go with food items that have complex carbohydrates. By doing that, you are ensuring that your body is able to maintain healthier blood cholesterol levels. Aside from that, foods that are good sources of complex carbohydrates are also harder to process, which can result to more calories and fats burned.
3. Eat at your dining table: When you eat elsewhere around your house, there may be a tendency that you could eat more than you should. This is because playing on your computer, or watching the television may distract your brain from accepting the signal from your stomach that it is already full. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you should eat at your dining table.
4. Eat before visiting the grocery store: When you shop for grocery items, it is best that you eat beforehand. This is because going inside a grocery store, when you are feeling hungry can make you purchase more food items than you need. In fact, it can even make you purchase foods that are not healthy. Thus, it is best to grab a snack before you go to the store. This way, you can stick to your list of items you want to buy.
5. Minimize eating at restaurants: When you are on a diet, eating at a restaurant can actually get you off track. This is because most foods that are served in restaurants are cooked with lots of oil. Aside from that, some can also serve foods that are highly processed. Thus, it is best that you set a limit in eating out. Instead of doing it two or three times a week, bring it down to one, or once in every two weeks.
6. Be aware of the things that can trigger you to eat: There are certain factors, which can make you eat more foods than you need. Some of which would include bad relationships, stress, work conflict, and many more. Thus, it is best that you become more aware of them. By doing that, you would be able to control your hunger pangs by preventing such things to affect you.
7. Proper records keeping: In following a diet, in most cases, you are doing it to lose weight. When it comes to that, it is best if you keep a record on how much weight you are able to shed off as the weeks go by. By doing that, you would see if there are certain adjustments you need to make. Aside from that, it can also ensure that you are motivated in keeping up with it.
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